Donatas Staniulis
Association LithuaniaBIO Executive Director
Lithuanian innovations and products in the field of life sciences and biotechnology play a crucial role in enhancing economic prosperity. Moreover, they actively contribute to global well-being by fostering a healthier, cleaner, and safer world.

Agnė Vaitkevičienė
Association LithuaniaBIO Vice-President
The biotech sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors in Vilnius with a truly global reach and potential. This incredible growth didn‘t happen by accident - it's an outcome of cooperation, knowledge sharing, and mutual help among various businesses and organizations, where ideas fuse and merge helping to develop business models as well as the ecosystem which facilitates the high pace of innovation. I believe that Vilnius business are ready to astound the world with its innovative projects.

Ieva Plikusienė
Associated Professor and Senior researcher at Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences
Scientists and science that is being done in Vilnius gets more and more worldwide recognition, which is no coincidence - we are a city of technologies and innovation, and the only way is up!

Monika Paulė
CEO at Caszyme
Vilnius is a leading biotechnology hub for more than 60 years. Vilnius city biotech ecosystem of business companies and academia ensure flow of novel ideas, brightest people and development of breakthrough innovations.
Visit https://caszyme.com
They choose Vilnius
All about the ecosystem
annual sector growth is one of the fastest in the EU
LithuaniaBIO, 202390%
of products are exported to over 100 countries, including top leaders like the US, Germany and Poland
LithuaniaBIO, 2023The largest
biotech hub in Europe will begin construction in Vilnius in 2024
LithuaniaBIO, 2024Tens of thousands
high-paying jobs are created by the biotechnology sector in Vilnius
LithuaniaBIO, 2023The Nobel Prize-winning
discovery of the CRISP-Cas9 gene-editing tool was co-created in Vilnius
Vilnius TechFusion, 2024