
Discovering Stability and Work-Life Balance: Bernard Meyer’s Journey to Vilnius


Vilnius is renowned for its exceptional work-life balance, offering an alternative to the hustle culture prevalent in many countries. Bernard Meyer’s — a Communications expert originally from Cape Town, South Africa — journey from the US to Vilnius highlights this appeal.


Bernard Meyer (left) and his colleagues in the Omnisend Vilnius office.


After the stock market crash in 2009, Meyer decided to explore opportunities abroad and took up a teaching job in Mongolia. Little did he know, this decision would eventually lead him to Vilnius.


After a stint in Mongolia and a contract in Taiwan, Meyer visited his brother in Lithuania, where he met his future wife. This moment made him consider Vilnius as a long-term option. Now, 12 years later, Meyer is the Senior Director of Communications at Omnisend, a marketing automation platform, and is raising his two daughters in Vilnius.


The decision to stay in Vilnius was influenced by several factors. “Living outside the US gave me a sense of mental freedom,” Meyer shares. “It helped minimize my thoughts about what everyone else was doing, which gave me a stronger sense of what I wanted to do in life.”


Meyer emphasizes the exceptional work-life balance in Vilnius. “At my company, and in Lithuania in general, people respect the fact that you need to be present at home and take vacations. When employees request vacation here, I always approve it, and I don’t bother them when they’re off.”


The stability and sense of calm in Vilnius were also crucial in Meyer’s decision to stay. “When I first considered going back to the US after my contract in Taiwan, the US had started to experience school shootings that have since increased. For the most part, I find there’s a sense of calm here, and it’s a relaxing place.”


Meyer has also developed a deep appreciation for nature in Lithuania, noting that he personally finds Vilnius affordable compared to US prices. Having the opportunity to afford a summerhouse has deepened this appreciation. “When I go to my summerhouse, I remove myself from all the tech gadgets that I use at work or home, and just focus on landscaping or woodworking projects. I’m able to be fully present in my surroundings.” 


In Vilnius, Meyer enjoys the simplicity of life. “There’s a central location where people walk, people watch, sit at cafes, and drink coffee. I’m not used to sitting and doing nothing. In the past, I would go to the movies, go clubbing, or go to some other destination. But here, people just chill.”


Reflecting on his future, Meyer enjoys his life in Vilnius for now but remains open to exploring other options. While he values the strong college education the US offers, concerns about the political situation and cost of healthcare make him appreciate the stability and quality of life in Vilnius.


You can read more about his story in Business Insider’s new article: https://www.businessinsider.com/i-moved-to-lithuania-from-us-life-more-stable-balanced-2024-8